Kursnummer: O18569VOP01

Discover the variety of Pakistani Cuisine

– an introduction for beginners and explorers

Ein Kurs von Zainab Pervez
Pakistani cuisine has a long tradition of using herbs and spices to create many different textures and flavours. From sweet to spicy, soft to crisp, vegan to meaty: you can find something for every taste. Close but not identical to Pashtu and Indian cooking it has developed unique recipies with many local variations. In this course you can learn about the basics of Pakistani cuisine: flavours, spices, recipes, and much more. Let the teacher Ms Pervez inspire you with her passion for cooking. She will introduce you to a menue of dishes and share her tips and tricks to make Pakistani cooking easy even for beginners.
This cooking course is in Englisch only but the teacher also speaks Urdu and Hindi. It is part of the VHS open program that invites experts from other cultures to teach at the VHS Hamburg.

Wichtige Hinweise

Please bring an apron to protect your clothing as some spices can stain permanently. If you’d like to drink anything else but tap water, please bring your own drinks. It is advisable to also bring small containers to take home any leftover delicacies.
While there is no course fee for the VHS open-pogramme, you need to pay the "Nutzungspauschale" for the expenses. Please be aware that this is also due if you do not cancel two weeks in advance. You will receive a bill after the event.

Dieser Kurs ist Teil des VHSopen-Programms, das Lehrenden aus aller Welt ermöglicht, in ihrer Sprache an der Volkshochschule zu unterrichten. Er wird nur auf Englisch unterrichtet.

Ein Kurs von Zainab Pervez

Foto: Zainab Pervez

Bei der VHS seit 2024

Ms Pervez came from Pakistan to Germany a few years ago. She holds bachelors in Hospitality and Tourism and worked in the tourism sector where she organized events and was responsible for catering. Cooking has been her passion since she can remember. Over the years she researched many recipes to make them more flavourful and most importantly easy for beginners. Ms Pervez demonstrates how to cook recipes from all over the world on her own YouTube-channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CFZ-World

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Do. 22.08.24 um 18:00 - 21:45

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Mitte
20357 Hamburg / Sternschanze
3 Behindertenparkplätze beim rückseitigen Hofeingang Bartelsstraße, Zugang barrierefrei, mit unebenem Holzpflaster. Rampe zum barrierefreien Eingang hat ein Gefälle von bis zu 12%. Aufzug vorhanden, Zugang vom Treppenhaus zum Flur hat eine Schwelle von 2 cm, Türbreite 89 cm, keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden, mit nicht unterfahrbarem Waschbecken.. Mehr Infos: 040 42841-2752