Kursnummer: K15431MMZ41

E-mail, Report and Memo Writing

English Business Line B1 Stufe 1

Ein Kurs von Raphael Byrne
This course is for people who would like to develop or refresh the skills of effective e-mail correspondence, memo writing and report writing for different purposes in a variety of situations. While learning common terms, important vocabulary and useful phrases, you will have the opportunity, if you wish, to write for your own daily purposes. You can also practise the skills of writing in general correspondence or in areas such as reporting about events or results or informing people about procedures or changes.
You will be asked to contribute 4 EUR to the cost of teaching material.

Wichtige Hinweise

Participants should have at least a knowledge of English B1.1 to attend this course.
Gruppengröße: 6-9 Teilnehmer/innen.

Ein Kurs von Raphael Byrne

Platzhalter: Raphael Byrne

Bei der VHS seit 1987


Fr. 07.02.20 um 18:00 - 21:15
So. 09.02.20 um 10:00 - 17:00

Kursort, Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit

VHS-Zentrum Innenstadt
20095 Hamburg / Hamburg-Altstadt
Kein eigener Rollstuhl-Parkplatz, Zugang barrierefrei, Aufzug vorhanden, Türbreite 90 cm, keine Induktionsanlage, Rollstuhl-WC vorhanden. Mehr Infos: 040 209421-0