Kursnummer: N25300MMM45

HARPO'S BOOK CLUB - New York Times Bestsellers and more

Englisch B2.1

Ein Kurs von Rebecca Pohle
Booklovers meet fellow readers! Join HARPO'S BOOK CLUB, read and discuss a New York Times bestseller - and find out about excellent travel writing, food writing and more! Book-title: „News of the World“ by Paulette Jiles. In 1870 war veteran Captain Kidd agrees to deliver ten-year-old Johanna, who had been captive among the Kiowa tribe, to her relatives. During their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain the unlikely pair forge a bond. A vivid, funny and suspenseful story . Longlisted for the National Book Award.
Please don’t read the book beforehand but wait for further information (email). Not suitable for level C!

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Ein Kurs von Rebecca Pohle

Platzhalter: Rebecca Pohle

Bei der VHS seit 2000

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Mi. 01.11.23 um 18:30 - 20:30 Ida-Ehre-Stadtteilschule, Oberstufenhaus
Mi. 15.11.23 um 18:30 - 20:30 Ida-Ehre-Stadtteilschule, Oberstufenhaus
Mi. 29.11.23 um 18:30 - 20:30 Ida-Ehre-Stadtteilschule, Oberstufenhaus

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit


Hotline: 040 60929-5555

E-Mail: service@vhs-hamburg.de

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