Kursnummer: O18180NNN20
  • Neu im Programm

Kemetic Yoga

Online-Course for Black and People of Color

Ein Kurs von Akosua Aset
In cooperation with Afrotopia's Black Academy
Sami Tawi also known as Kemetic Yoga is said to be a practice which is at least 7000 years old, that originated in the regions of the Nile and whose movements and poses (Sanuyaats) were found on the sacred temple walls as Medu Neter (hieroglyphics).
In the last 50 years this livity (lifestyle) has re-emerged amongst Africans and the african diaspora.
The postures of Kemetic Yoga allow us to embody the movements of ancient Egyptian goddess and gods. It is ideal for connecting people with themselves and their body's own energy, as well as with the elements of the outside world. Flowing and rhythmic movements make the body sweat, conscious breathing enhances the physical experience and one's own perception and by strengthening the balance, the inner centre is stabilised. The course is welcoming for beginners and gives an insight into this special style of yoga.

Wichtige Hinweise

This online course takes place with ZOOM Meeting (www.zoom.us).
We will send you the link to the course by e-mail at the earliest two days before the course starts. Please also check your spam folder if you do not receive an e-mail with the access data.
Prerequisite: basic PC and Internet knowledge, e-mail address. You will need a computer with internet access as well as a camera and microphone, alternatively a tablet. Participation with a smartphone is possible, but limited in functions.
If necessary, please download the ZOOM app before the course starts.

Please be prepared: wear comfortable clothes and have a yoga/isomat, a blanket, a seat cushion and if needed a small pillow ready. Find a room where you can be undisturbed.

Ein Kurs von Akosua Aset

Foto: Akosua Aset

Bei der VHS seit 2024

Kurstermine & Kursorte

Di. 06.02.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 13.02.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 20.02.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 27.02.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 05.03.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 12.03.24 um 09:00 - 10:15
Di. 19.03.24 um 09:00 - 10:15

Anfahrt & Barrierefreiheit
