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Community-Wahlkampf in der Schwarzen Community: Ein wachsender Trend in Deutschland und den USA
In Kooperation mit Afrotopia Black Academy
Wir beleuchten die wachsende Bedeutung des community-orientierten Wahlkampfs in Deutschland, insbesondere in der Schwarzen Community. Während dieser Ansatz in den USA schon lange etabliert ist, gewinnt er auch in Hamburg und anderen Teilen Deutschlands zunehmend an Relevanz. Wir vergleichen die Strategien beider Länder und analysieren, warum die Schwarze Community in Deutschland politisch immer bedeutender wird. Referentin Irene Appiah, die erste afrikanische gewählte Mandatsträgerin in Hamburg, wird ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen teilen. 2019 wurde sie als Direktkandidatin in die Bezirksversammlung HH-Mitte gewählt. Kurz darauf wurde sie im Rahmen des Transatlantic Political Minority Leadership-Programms nach Washington eingeladen, wo sie auch das Congressional Black Caucus besuchte. 2023 kandidierte sie als erste Schwarze Frau für das Europaparlament und ist nun für die Bürgerschaftswahlen 2025 nominiert. Ihre Einblicke bieten wertvolle Perspektiven auf die Zukunft des Community-Wahlkampfs in der Schwarzen Community in Hamburg und darüber hinaus.
Community-Based Campaigning in the Black Community: A Growing Trend in Germany and the USA
We will explore the increasing importance of community-based campaigning in Germany, particularly within the Black community. While this approach has been long established in the USA, it is gaining traction in Hamburg and other parts of Germany. We will compare the strategies of both countries and examine why the Black community is becoming increasingly politically significant in Germany. Our speaker, Irene Appiah, the first African elected representative in Hamburg, will share her personal experiences. In 2019, she was elected to the Hamburg district assembly for a direct candidate. Shortly afterward, she was invited to Washington as part of the Transatlantic Political Minority Leadership Program, where she also visited the Congressional Black Caucus. In 2023, she ran as the first Black woman for the European Parliament in Hamburg and is now nominated for the 2025 Hamburg State Parliament elections. Her insights will offer valuable perspectives on the future of community-based campaigning in the Black community in Hamburg and beyond.
Community-Based Campaigning in the Black Community: A Growing Trend in Germany and the USA
We will explore the increasing importance of community-based campaigning in Germany, particularly within the Black community. While this approach has been long established in the USA, it is gaining traction in Hamburg and other parts of Germany. We will compare the strategies of both countries and examine why the Black community is becoming increasingly politically significant in Germany. Our speaker, Irene Appiah, the first African elected representative in Hamburg, will share her personal experiences. In 2019, she was elected to the Hamburg district assembly for a direct candidate. Shortly afterward, she was invited to Washington as part of the Transatlantic Political Minority Leadership Program, where she also visited the Congressional Black Caucus. In 2023, she ran as the first Black woman for the European Parliament in Hamburg and is now nominated for the 2025 Hamburg State Parliament elections. Her insights will offer valuable perspectives on the future of community-based campaigning in the Black community in Hamburg and beyond.
Wichtige Hinweise
Der Kurs findet in deutsch statt. Bei Bedarf kann ins Englische gewechselt werden.
Ein Kurs von Irene Appiah
Bei der VHS seit 2025
Kurstermine & Kursorte
Do. 16.01.25 um 18:00 - 20:15 |